
Zhongshan howwei environmental protection technology co. LTD

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FS370-Foam shredding machine

FS370-Foam shredding machine
Production characteristics:
Shredded EPS fragments can be used for the mitigation of packaging or further recycling.
Product use:
EPP and rigid PUR foam. EPS shredders also can be used for recycling Styrofoam packing material,
Product application:
EPS shredder applies high efficient shredding structure.

EPS Shredder

EPS shredder applies high efficient shredding structure. Once the operator throws EPS to the hopper, and the knives in griff will shred EPS to 20-40 mm (1″to 2″) pieces. 
Shredded EPS fragments can be used for the mitigation of packaging or further recycling.

Hasswell offers different kinds of EPS shredders in order to process EPS, XPS,
EPP and rigid PUR foam. EPS shredders also can be used for recycling Styrofoam packing material, 
foam PS snack-box, polyurethane insulation board, extruded plastic board and other EPS/XPS material.
